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Variational Koopman models: slow collective variables and molecular kinetics from short off-equilibrium simulations

机译:变分考夫曼模型:缓慢的集体变量和分子   短期非平衡模拟的动力学



Markov state models (MSMs) and Master equation models are popular approachesto approximate molecular kinetics, equilibria, metastable states, and reactioncoordinates in terms of a state space discretization usually obtained byclustering. Recently, a powerful generalization of MSMs has been introduced,the variational approach (VA) of molecular kinetics and its special case thetime-lagged independent component analysis (TICA), which allow us toapproximate slow collective variables and molecular kinetics by linearcombinations of smooth basis functions or order parameters. While it is knownhow to estimate MSMs from trajectories whose starting points are not sampledfrom an equilibrium ensemble, this has not yet been the case for TICA and theVA. Previous estimates from short trajectories, have been strongly biased andthus not variationally optimal. Here, we employ Koopman operator theory andideas from dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) to extend the VA and TICA tonon-equilibrium data. The main insight is that the VA and TICA provide acoefficient matrix that we call Koopman model, as it approximates theunderlying dynamical (Koopman) operator in conjunction with the basis set used.This Koopman model can be used to compute a stationary vector to reweight thedata to equilibrium. From such a Koopman-reweighted sample, equilibriumexpectation values and variationally optimal reversible Koopman models can beconstructed even with short simulations. The Koopman model can be used topropagate densities, and its eigenvalue decomposition provide estimates ofrelaxation timescales and slow collective variables for dimension reduction.Koopman models are generalizations of Markov state models, TICA and the linearVA and allow molecular kinetics to be described without a clusterdiscretization.
机译:马尔可夫状态模型(MSM)和Master方程模型是通常通过聚类获得的状态空间离散化的近似分子动力学,平衡,亚稳态和反应坐标的流行方法。最近,引入了一种强大的MSM概括,分子动力学的变分法(VA)及其特殊情况下的时滞独立成分分析(TICA),这使我们能够通过光滑基函数的线性组合来近似慢的集体变量和分子动力学。或订购参数。虽然从未从均衡集合中采样起点的轨迹估计MSM的方法是已知的,但对于TICA和theVA而言,情况尚未如此。先前对短轨的估计存在很大的偏见,因此并不是最优的。在这里,我们采用来自动态模式分解(DMD)的Koopman算符理论和思想将VA和TICA扩展到非平衡数据。主要的见解是VA和TICA提供了一个系数矩阵,我们称其为Koopman模型,因为它结合所使用的基础集近似了底层动态(Koopman)算子。该Koopman模型可用于计算平稳向量以将数据重新加权为平衡。从这样的Koopman重加权样本中,即使进行简短的模拟,也可以构建均衡期望值和变化最优的可逆Koopman模型。 Koopman模型可用于传播密度,其特征值分解可提供弛豫时间尺度和缓慢的集体变量以进行降​​维的估计.Koopman模型是Markov状态模型,TICA和linearVA的概括,可以描述分子动力学而无簇离散。



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